Thursday, October 06, 2005

I'm alright, Jack, keep your hands off of my stack

Once you start working, you get these fucking senti mails explaining how people think things have changed since college.... and how its been one year since we wrote exams and bunked and what ever... Oh for fuck's sake stop it!!!! Things change and they always will so get up and move on buster.

But there is one thing that'll change drastically after you start working.. and thats MONEY. Yeah baby !!! the moolah ... its brilliant isn't it??? The smell of the crisp bank statement that rolls off the ATM and tells you you are a little richer at the end of each month... and for what ... for pretty much sitting on your ass all day. I know I sometimes think I was a lot happier without it... but who the fuck am I kiddin.

Money is a brilliant concept... I mean its so beautiful... its powerful ... yet its dark and plays its little games on us. Money is mostly about the power. The power of independence and a little stability. And thats where the concept of "value for money kicks in".

The concept is very dicey. For me.... the value for money is more about how much a person needs money that defines the concept. When one of my friends asks me for money ... I ask myself only one question - Does he/she need the more money more than I do?

Shakespere rightly put it "the greed for money is the root of all evil"..... I hate it when ppl switch jobs for money... I hate calculative, money minded people... Look at the labourer who toils all day and hardly gets anything at the end of it.... We comparitively lead luxurious lives. And yet, when we hear of a money making opportunity at the cost of someone else we will jump at it. All our morals lost and only the extra dough becomes our motivation. Money is amazing no doubt... but its not the be all and end all of life...

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