Monday, September 12, 2005

IS "Kiss my ass" CON !!!!!!

Every year on my dad's birthday we go to ISCKON (yes yes!!! the Krishna conciousness shit). Each year that I go there I hate the place all the more. By the way, let me clear my stand before I continue- I do believe in God.

What is my idea of God? God is an abstract idea of hope. He/She is a different kind of hope of everyone for some its about the hope for money, for some about health, for some about knowledge and so on and so forth. Thats probably why we Indians have so many Gods - a different personification for a different hope.

What is my idea of a temple? The idea of a temple is basically a haven for spiritualism. Its a place where like minded can open up their minds and discuss life, love, God and the other life's wonderous things that mystify them. Do you see this in any temple??? Now its just some place where you keep freakin idols and break coconuts.I mean people since the 13th century have been saying that this was f***** up and these dumasses still don't get it. Tragically for me, I feel like I'm in a temple only when I am in a bar/pub when I'm blown out of my mind and a random comment by one of my friends sparks off debates and discussions. I know it sounds pathetic, the whole sanctity of a temple and spirituality are lost but.....

Why do I hate ISCKON? First, the damn place does not encompass my idea of a temple.... actually it doesn't even come close. Its just a corrupt place out to propogate its fucked up ideas and fleece all the fools who are willing to pay up. I don't get how a temple can segregate "devotees" based on how much donation they pay. And I am not saying this because I didn't get to see the freakin idol. My family always get to stand on the first row and get a beautiful view of the freak show those guys put on for us. Secondly, I don't get the propaganda that these guys are always putting up. For me, propoganda is only for wannabes and celebrities... someone who is insecure. Thirdly, I don't get the principle of their freakin cult. After thousands of years of stories and mythology being passed on for generations, this dude comes along and turns the whole thing around. And the worst of all, people go crazy about it. Pissin off man.


Nitish said...

I am so happy to be in the enchanted company of my erudite friend Mr. Jon. Well said Mr. Jon. I am sure you really appreciate Adi's work. But somehow i think that your job profile needs some improvement. I mean come on, selling Business life insurance( ...btw what the fuck is that!!!) must suck as a job. I think i can sympathise with ur mental condition any day.

Nitish said...

Ok now that i have got the immediate angst of my brain....well said dude...i feel exactly the same way when i go to Tirupati...dont get me wrong i have great respect for the place and stuff...but those money minded machinations of theirs often make me sick. You see these old, poor people standing in the "free darshan" line for days on end and just as they are about to enter, come in the Rs.-One-lakh-donating, the clad-in-their-expensives-kanjivarams,living-in-their-filthy-potbellied-world aunties from out of nowhere and the line is stopped. Just reminds me of the old Genesis song " Jesus he knows me". Just apt for this situation.