Monday, April 17, 2006

4528 hours of not knowing whats happening!!!!

I was just going through my highly unimpressive marks cards from my BE (electronics and communication) and as hep as that sounds I had no clue of more than half of what my subjects were. I probably know as much electronics as I did in my 10th ( thats a huge zilch). The only electronics I work on right now is switching on the television or working the microwave.

There are subjects I can't even explain the titles of let alone what was taught in them. Subjects like Transducers & Instrumentation and Telecommunication & switching I still can't figure out the title let alone what could have possibly been taught for 16 weeks/ 4 hours per week. Then there are the Linear ICs & Applications and Digital ICs & Applications. What is the difference you ask... well, your guess is as good as mine. There are subjects called VHDL and VLSI design, I still don't know what they stand for.

Then there are the more romantic soundings subjects like Fields & Waves, which when the exam paper is presented to you reads more like Killing Fields & Tsunami Waves. Somehow I feel I would have done much better with the latter.

The teachers were no better. There was this subject called Antenna & wave Propogation which was taught by a shrivelled grape called Rukumani (shaadi ke baad kya hua ... (thats the song if you don't remember) you ask ... I'll tell you .. her husband came out shrieking for help). I will not delve any more in the teachers aspect of the course, that could complete a book on why not to do engineering.

There is a feather in my cap though for those four years of trying very hard to not work hard. I got a gold medal. A gold medal??!!! How ??!! I'll tell you for us back benchers (read academic super loosers) a gold medal was when you just managed to scrape through the ignominy of repeating the subject the next semester. Yes, I got myself one of those in System Programming - 35/100 ... couldn't get closer than that... Phew!!!. I got myself a bronze too.. 52/125 in Power Electronics .. not too proud of that could have done better.

Finally my advice to people who are taking Engineering ... well don't do it.

1 comment:

Nitish said...

My engineering degree was a testament to my knowledge vomitting capabilities and little else. All i can remember from college is running from one fest to the other and trying out all the contraband stuff that i could lay my hands on.
However, i wouldnt go to the lengths of telling people not to do engineering, cuz i think college life especially engineering college life and especially, especially engineering college hostel life has its own brilliant charm. Education be damned, cuz i dont think too many colleges, IITs included, give too much education that you can use later in life, so its all about getting through those 4 years. But you cant miss the "real" education that our college gave us...its just way too much fun :)