Monday, January 02, 2006

Hold me, kiss me, thrill me

First of all, a super new year to all of you. I had a super new years' ... spent it in Hyderabad. Thanks to Nitish " the perfect host " Khadiya ( I hope I got the spelling right) we had a super- duper time.

After all the long sessions of drinking and the intense leg-cricket matches, all of us sat down to watch the movie Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi. What a brilliant movie.

There are lot underlying themes and ideas running throughout the plot but the one that hit me the most were the love stories in the movie. Geeta loves Siddarth, who is a revolutionary, and wants Geeta to become one too. Siddarth leaves for the villages to propogate the revolution and ideas. Vikram is a small town guy who just wants to make it big and loves Geeta too. Geeta eventually follows Siddarth and falls into a lot of shit in the village and but continues to love him, instead of taking the easier option out and just marrying Vikram who loves her as much.

This is where my point comes in, is love really this blind that you get so selfless and are willing to forgive anything your partner does. Even in the Unbearable lightness of being by Milan Kundera, Teresa could have easily left Tomas for all his unfaithfulness but she hung on. These kind of stories are not just in fiction even in life I've seen lots of couples just ignore their partners' outright flaws and just going on .

I would never expect my partner to forgive my unfaithfulness, or give up her life and tag along with me because I believe in something or if I ever were to humiliate her or do anything that were to hurt her very bad. Is love really blind?? So blind that we are able to overlook things that we would normally find detestable. So if common sense were to prevail then, love should not be blind. It should be open to each others faults, to correct each other and also so that your partner doesn't land up taking advantage of your ignorance or "blindness" and to preserve one's own self worth. But common sense doesn't have a place in the land of love... if it did we would not have Romeo and Juliet would we???

I am confused (I know I sound it). I guess there is a thin line between being loving and forgiving and being used as a door mat. But I guess like other things in life, nobody knows where the line is... nobody knows when to stop... nobody knows when to stop feeling insecure or begging for the attention we love from our partners.

Love is to be felt and experienced. Everyone wants to be loved, I think that is one of man's biggest weaknesses, whether we want to admit or not. And everyone loves to be loved. I guess its best to just try and explore for oneself and remember that there does exist a line in love, too, that is not to be crossed, a line that keeps love nice and simple the way its meant to be.


Nitish said...

Yup one of the better New Years that i have had too.....leg cricket is tooooo much fun!

Neo said...

Pretty intense man... Lennon could give you some more on that... listen to the song "love" in the Legend collection.

Anonymous said...

it is not about being blind.. as ive always told you.. things are never that black and white..